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July 4th week on Tahoe..long wave action

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    I went wake surfing for the first time last weekend (behind a BU), it was a blast but I feel the same way you do. There was absolutely NO drive down the line with the board we were on like when surfing in the ocean. Everytime I tried to generate speed the tail wanted to walk out. For me behind a boat is definitely way different that surfing, or maybe its the board. The board we were on was not a tri-fin which is probably making the difference.

    I've got a 6'0" M4 Al Merrick I may chop the nose off and try again.


      how thick is it?
      my midlife crisis started at puberty and I plan on enjoying it all the way to the end..


        You'll get your chance, smart guy.


          crazy..same as the 3D. Amazing these things float
          my midlife crisis started at puberty and I plan on enjoying it all the way to the end..


            That water is beautiful. I think our water is great, but that is beautiful. Well, until the I saw some guy grabbing his junk. ;-)


              haha. hey that's just me doing my usual adjustments' for goofy side action'.

              Rag' we took some guy out 2 days ago..says he's considering buying one of your boats..dude's name was blue and I'm pretty sure he's sold on TIGE boats after the 10 pulls he got that day. He was like awesome dude..your wave rocks and so does the boat

              The only reservation for him was something about the boats being pretty heavy and not so easy to tow?? I told him to get his priorities straight
              my midlife crisis started at puberty and I plan on enjoying it all the way to the end..


                What a pu**y. ;-)

                Tell him to come down and get a demo.


                  "Adjustments for goofy side action" -- I don't care who you are, that's just funny.


                    Rag' I'm not sure how serious he is. He's still got some older 20 footer he cruises BUT he was pretty much blown away by my port side wave. I gave him short and long waves. 10 friggen pulls..not to mention the times he didn't get up.

                    Most of the time we only take 6 or 7 apiece (fairly long rides) and were spent. The high altitude/sun just frys your butt so 5 minutes on a board at 6200 ft. is a decent workout in itself. I get some pretty serious athletes on the boat. They all start out cocky and end up 'worked'. Last week we had to drag this girl back on the boat..literally
                    my midlife crisis started at puberty and I plan on enjoying it all the way to the end..

