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    Originally posted by freeheel4life View Post
    Lol outkastmunkey Guess I should have put it in the off topic discussion....but that never gets much traffic. I as well am not stoked about wearing mandatory masks. Its more the threat of enforcement that bothers me.

    We are certainly seeing cases go up quickly since restrictions have been lifted. Just trying to keep our customers healthy and give them options like pay over the phone so they don't have to come into the office and risk interaction. Or at the VERY LEAST gove customers options and let them make their own informed risk. Was curious what others have seen as its handled different state to state and even city to city within states.

    Crazy times.
    People can avoid the thread, if they can’t handle some opinions from strangers. I’m with you, and curious to hear how other places are handling this stuff. You can see what New York, California, Texas, and Florida are up to, any day of the week. I’m rolling through Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and Nevada, next month for Sturgis, and I’m interested to know what’s going on in some of the rural west. So I’m glad you brought it up, bro! Glad to hear you’re staying safe up there!

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      Just to be clear, these “masks” really do not protect the person wearing it, it helps to reduce the amount of airborne virus that an infected person can spread. Now you say....”I’m not sick, so don’t need to wear a mask”, but that is what ALL of the asymptotic people say!


        Thanks Zackdogg !! Had some positives in my circle and others who have found out shortly after they were in close proximity to others who later tested positive. Its interesting to say the least. Im healthy and not too worried, but interact with most customers at dropoff/pickup and some may not be in the same situation. Its making us all rethink the model of customer service....


          Originally posted by Zackdogg View Post

          ...a bunch of politicians that are bought and paid for by lobbyists.

          Ps, you couldn’t pay me to watch Fox News or CNN, just for the record.

          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
          Spot on......I literally was talking about lobbyists and Politicians today with a friend.....lobbyists should be illegal, but the people who would have to make it illegal are the ones who benefit the most. 99.9999% of all politicians are borderline legalized crooks......the ones that aren’t either turn crooked or don’t last long because they get squeezed out by the crooks with big ad/campaign money from guess who......

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            Originally posted by Bamer View Post
            Just to be clear, these “masks” really do not protect the person wearing it, it helps to reduce the amount of airborne virus that an infected person can spread. Now you say....”I’m not sick, so don’t need to wear a mask”, but that is what ALL of the asymptotic people say!
            This is a solid point. This virus is dangerous because we can spread it without knowing we are sick. I have been fortunate to spend a bunch of time in Asia where it’s culturally normal to wear masks if you fee even a little ill (“allergies”). We are not far from that here because masks stop spread if your sick.

            I wish we could get past that issue so we could all go back to work. It would make my pro small business side extatic

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              we were down in phoenix 10 days ago boat shopping. masks were ordered by the gov there a week before we showed up.
              everyone seemed to be compliant everywhere we went except 2 of the boat dealerships. was interesting to hear them say they didn't care.

              don't have an opinion one way or another as to whether or not they are effective as there seems to be a lot of mis-information and changing thought processes on this almost daily BUT if the boss says wear one since the gov has mandated it, I know what my mortgage provider expects me to do......
              my gut is this is going to be the new normal for the remainder of the summer and into the fall.

              interesting snip from sisolak on the compliance rates after OSHA has spent the last week here in vegas doing inspections. yes it's osha doing them...
              waterparks were zero percent compliant and strip pools were 40%. DUH!!!!! what do you expect at a WATERPARK or POOL.......
              Last edited by sandm; 07-07-2020, 02:50 AM.
              2012 22ve.. RIP 4/17
              2014 Z3.. Surf away


                Originally posted by Bamer View Post

                Spot on......I literally was talking about lobbyists and Politicians today with a friend.....lobbyists should be illegal, but the people who would have to make it illegal are the ones who benefit the most. 99.9999% of all politicians are borderline legalized crooks......the ones that aren’t either turn crooked or don’t last long because they get squeezed out by the crooks with big ad/campaign money from guess who......

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                My man!! Get rid of lobbyists and lawyers, and the world instantly becomes a better place. There are good lawyers out there, lobbyists can all rot in hell, where they belong. Goes right back to cigs and fast food killing way more people than Covid, with nothing being done about them.

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                  Originally posted by Zackdogg View Post

                  My man!! Get rid of lobbyists and lawyers, and the world instantly becomes a better place. There are good lawyers out there, lobbyists can all rot in hell, where they belong. Goes right back to cigs and fast food killing way more people than Covid, with nothing being done about them.

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                  The business of politics man... when it’s not about money it’s about picking a side as if someone can be 100% right 100% of the time... spot on

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                    In Missouri, our numbers continue to climb and no mask requirement. I'm in a smaller section of MO whose numbers remain low but are still climbing. I have two friends who are nurses in competing hospital systems. Interesting note, one hospital system has gone back to normal visitation, no masks required while the other continues to require masks, limits visitors to 2 per day per patient.

                    I also have friends who own restaurants, one a single store, the other has 8+ in various areas of the midwest. Both were brought to the brink of closing during the lockdown. One is following the guidelines to reopen (restrictions on capacity, masks, etc) while the other is continuing to be more conservative and limiting his seating to families that are spread apart because he doesn't want the bad press of someone testing positive at his establishment. Every news report on a new positive case reports where the person ate, shopped, etc (contact tracing) and most were unmasked.

                    Personally, I continue to wear a mask when I enter a store or public space with people who don't respect the social distancing. Mask doesn't bother me and I avoid places where it would (amusement park, water park, etc).

                    I like my personal freedom and choice to wear a mask or not and I make my choice based on what I consider the best medical advice out there (yes, I work in medical) but not everyone likes to be told what to do and not everyone understands the advice that is out there. For that reason, I would prefer a National mask requirement if unable to social distance. When I read the reports of a symptomatic person going out in restaurants and stores WITHOUT a mask, I picture a selfish individual who doesn't care about others. BUT, I also believe many of these had symptoms they attributed to allergy or something else. I find it hard to believe that anyone who knew they had COVID would go out without a mask.

                    Now, back to discussions of wakeboats....BTW, my 14 year old now has a 1990 Kawasaki 440 that is completely taken apart that he has the pleasure of painting and putting back together! Should be a fun summer.


                      Originally posted by mikemcclain8 View Post
                      Now, back to discussions of wakeboats....BTW, my 14 year old now has a 1990 Kawasaki 440 that is completely taken apart that he has the pleasure of painting and putting back together! Should be a fun summer.
                      Man I have a Kawasaki TS with a 650 in it I can NOT get to spark.... I think it’s the CDI but I haven’t been able to get a good test of the magneto. The colors of the wires in the service manual don’t match... ugh. Good luck

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                        Here in Colorado cases seem to be fairly stable for the moment, but like others have stated, lots of out of state residents visiting, who may or may not have the same standards/requirements we do so stay tuned. Restrictions have relaxed a little like in other places, but most towns/cities still have required mask orders for inside, public places or when social distancing can't be maintained. I have found that this definitely varies from business to business and town to town. The Tige dealer "will wear masks on request" (at least last I checked), but they are limiting to 10 customers in the shop at a time. Had some work done at a trailer shop and there wasn't a mask to be seen other than my own. Inside Harbor Freight who have a sign "requiring" them, I see about 75% of folks wearing them. Mountain towns got hit pretty hard in the Spring, so most of them still have restrictions and lots of signage about the requirements. Rural areas do seem to be more relaxed.
                        Trying to stick to facts vs. opinion, but evidence seems pretty strong that masks help. If you look at the countries that are "more used" to wearing masks (e.g. Asian countries) and that are not as divided as we are presently and therefore have higher compliance with wearing masks when requested/required by government, you haven't seen the "second wave" that we seem to be experiencing.
                        I do think that "we're going to have to learn to live with it", but I can't say what that means yet. I'm hopeful there will eventually be a vaccine or at least effective treatment that reduces the death rate for at-risk folks, but until then, I think masks (at least when inside) are our best prevention/protection for others.


                          Just to be clear, I would not call this the second wave, it’s more of a delayed first wave......there’s no stopping it from spreading unless we take extreme measures further that what has been already done. Doing so would do way more damage than the virus itself. We are just gonna have to ride it out...let nature takes its course and hopefully better treatments and vaccines become available.

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                            Florida is a total sh@# show. Governor was all over the news almost everyday when it first started touting the success. Now as it has really hit the fan he has been a no show - no where to be seen and when he has popped up its to say cases are because of more testing. Totally ignoring the %positive rates. All spin spin spin.

                            Not to mention our "shutdown" was a joke. Everything was open except bars, gyms, nail/hair salons, massage parlors, retail that only sells clothing - Everything else was open. All Restaurants were aloud take out. Car dealers open - everything nothing really closed.

                            I ventured to Home Depot one Saturday during "shutdown" and turned around fast. Had never ever seen the parking lot full and spilling into the road to get in. Crazy That's why we are called Flori -duh. Social distancing is a joke and even though large cities - Miami, Tampa, Orlando and finally Jacksonville have mandated masks while inside its probably 50/50.

                            On the political side our Governor is total Trump lackey and Rubio has disappeared.

                            As far as knowing people with it my daughters college roommate mother died. All of 48 yrs old no medical conditions, avid runner, etc. The medical community is still studying it and really has no formal conclusions. It is all too new. It is easy to find info and talking points that fit ones personal narrative and construct but I encourage people to to wear a mask not to not get sick but not not be an asymptomatic spreader. Yes a lot people do not get terribly;y sick but a lot of people die and those are someones family members too. Mask up - its not that hard.

                            I had a guy in Publix check out line about giving me a lap dance I politely asked for some space and he said everything is open I thought that was over.

