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Covid updates

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    Covid updates

    Hey gang. Was just curious what others are seeing in their areas and how it is being handled?? More positive cases?? Masks being mandated??

    Big one Im curious about as well is if anyone has had coworkers test positive. If so how is your business handling it ?? If you do business with the general public do you inform the public??

    Hope everyone is safe, healthy, and planning a fun 4th of July weekend.

    All I know sitting up here in Canada the rest of us are wondering what the He!! is going on down in the states. Like WTF!?

    We locked down from about mid March to about the middle of May with things relaxing more up here. We aren't mandated to wear masks but some do. Most people I see either wearing a mask or using gloves don't seem to understand how it all works at which point deems the whole idea useless. This is where having a total country population that is smaller than the state of California works for us. We only have a handful of new cases a day here in BC for the most part. If we took out care homes and the local prisons our numbers would be minimal for actual transmission.

    Business has been going back to semi normal with lots of people working remotely, myself included but I have been going out to see a few customers and work is generally picking back up from where it was. Our streets and cities are no longer ghost towns.

    My wife works in the emergency department here at our local hospital. For the first month and a half it was dead in the hospital as nobody was willing to go sit in a waiting room but that's now all back to normal and then some. It's been getting quite busy again.


      we were in phx last weekend and everyone there were masked-up EXCEPT 2 of the 3 boat dealers we visited. it was odd to walk in and see no one wearing one and they said not required.

      vegas is masks everywhere and I type this wearing one.

      the down side here is cali and phx have shut stuff down and nevada has not yet. I get a sense that we are going to be flush with cali people this weekend. wish they would stay home.....
      not a paranoid person around this but keep it in your own state

      I still go to work daily and have 95 associates that report to me still coming in as we pick and pack product for c-stores. masks are required and lots of hand sanitizing stations.
      my other half is still working from home. she hates it but our monthly spend on gas and mileage on the cars is loving it......
      2012 22ve.. RIP 4/17
      2014 Z3.. Surf away


        Austin is a **** show. Texas cases are sky rocketing for a number of reasons. Bars are closed again which was the biggest culprit (as indicated by the average age of infected people going down dramatically). Back to 50% capacity in restaurants and masks everywhere. Some fool thinks vanilla ice playing a concert at a place on the lake is good idea. Spoiler alert; it’s not. I think he cancelled at this point.

        My brother in laws girlfriend had an employee test positive. They sent her home for two weeks and everyone else is working until they show symptoms

        We also follow the Reddit Park City thread. Some guy just posted that a major hotel has sick employees working and isn’t saying anything. It’s reddit so take it with a grain of salt...

        Masks are making a come back in both places so that’s a good thing. Southern Utah felt like nothing was abnormal. We wore masks

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          Been super thankful up here on Vancouver island. No cases on the island now for a couple of weeks, even with rules being relaxed and more tourists coming. Lots of places requiring masks and limited customers. But the way people are spending money things are going like crazy and small businesses are booming, after coming out of a 6 month long forestry strike that hit our economy hard, I was seriously worried about what was going to happen.

          Agreeing with BCrider on this one. Little worried about our neighbours to the south.

          Stay safe everyone!


            Thanks for the responses. We have seen a big uptick in cases since they loosened restrictions. So much so that the mayor is requiring masks in city limits, and violation is a misdemeanor. Not very stoked.


              Nevada is masks required in all public places. You can take off your mask in a restaurant to eat but other than that, masks on. We’ve been camping twice and it’s been crazy packed. One of our major spots, Pyramid Lake, is closed for all camping and maybe boating too. I’m not sure. I don’t go there. Unfortunately, all the people who do go there, are at “my” lake now. Every single day is packed on the beaches. Campers, motor homes, tents, packed. We went out on a Thursday and got skunked for any spots we’d usually have no problem getting. I’ve never seen anything like it there. Strange days for sure.

              There’s some nasty flu coming through. A bunch of people around here getting it. It’s not COVID. Heads up everyone and get back to double safe. Booooo, I know.
              You'll get your chance, smart guy.


                Here in Abilene its now required to wear masks in all public places per Texas governor Abbott. Its a good thing. People are idiots and are still taking their entire family to the grocery store when they go shopping... Hopefully this reduces it. The bars were stupid busy the first weekend to say the least and I am blown away at how many people made it out to them. I do my best to stay away from everyone. Seemed like people had the mental of "toilet paper is back in stock so the rona must be over". The worst part about all of this is that I see this coming school year will be all home schooling which sucks for our children. Bad enough the last two six weeks were filled with weak work that was already topics they dealt with before.
                Oh Yeah!


                  Nick said most of it. Our lake is insanely packed, because Pyramid is closed and Tahoe is a giant PIA right now. Our governor is a complete moron, and just does whatever the California moron does. How about if you’re at risk, you should probably stay home, if you aren’t, go about your business, since the majority that get it get mild cold symptom, or none at all. We need to let this run it’s course, and be done with it. Wear a mask if you want, stay home if you want, let me live my life the way I want. I definitely don’t need a government full of idiots telling me how to live my life.

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                    Originally posted by Zackdogg View Post
                    Nick said most of it. Our lake is insanely packed, because Pyramid is closed and Tahoe is a giant PIA right now. Our governor is a complete moron, and just does whatever the California moron does. How about if you’re at risk, you should probably stay home, if you aren’t, go about your business, since the majority that get it get mild cold symptom, or none at all. We need to let this run it’s course, and be done with it. Wear a mask if you want, stay home if you want, let me live my life the way I want. I definitely don’t need a government full of idiots telling me how to live my life.

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                    Zackdogg.....not trying to start a fight here BUT that attitude is why it's becoming worse. Your comment about "majority that get it get mild cold symptoms, or none at all" is so wrong! Look around the World, those countries who re-acted and let science decide have faired far better then countries who didn't. Stop watching CNN or Fox and watch real news to get educated.....PLEASE I BEG YOU! Or better yet, go talk to a nurse or ER doctor in any country and get their opinions on this matter and maybe then you'll understand the situation or better yet trade your job in to become a nurse and then reach out to me with your thoughts after a few days on just what COVID is and how it affects people.


                      Originally posted by Robmc9 View Post

                      Zackdogg.....not trying to start a fight here BUT that attitude is why it's becoming worse. Your comment about "majority that get it get mild cold symptoms, or none at all" is so wrong! Look around the World, those countries who re-acted and let science decide have faired far better then countries who didn't. Stop watching CNN or Fox and watch real news to get educated.....PLEASE I BEG YOU! Or better yet, go talk to a nurse or ER doctor in any country and get their opinions on this matter and maybe then you'll understand the situation or better yet trade your job in to become a nurse and then reach out to me with your thoughts after a few days on just what COVID is and how it affects people.
                      It’s all good man, I’m going to guess you’re in the medical world, and probably see another side of it. I value your opinion, and I know there are some major factors that make it better or worse. I live in Nevada, which is mostly rural, and the majority of our cases are in Vegas, who is the reason we have a moron for a governor, that refuses to take into account that some really rural areas are barely, or not affected at all, yet he does nothing to protect their economies, only destroy them. At the rate they’re going with this, I’ll likely have lost, my company by the end of this, best case we’ll be pretty damn crippled. I likely had Covid in December, and felt like crap for a few days, but it wasn’t that big of a deal. Having the flu was far worse.

                      I had a nurse on my boat on Friday. Her line of thinking is pretty close to mine. I have a friend who’s a GP, and his thinking is exactly the same as mine. It’s likely because we haven’t been hit too hard here. I think us living in a more rural area, and having plenty of sunshine probably helps us. If you’re in a big city, you should probably be far more precautious. When this whole thing started it was “2 weeks to slow the spread”, then a month, now we’re 4 months later, and it’s only getting worse. It’s started with “masks aren’t effective”, then they’re the answer to everything. How many people did they kill sticking on vents, before they realized that’s a bad plan?

                      It’s definitely really bad if you’re at risk, and there are definitely some exceptions, but you tel me where this ends, if it isn’t just letting it run it’s course? And that isn’t a smartass response, I actually want to know. I can’t see it. You can’t shut an economy down forever, or there will be a whole lot worse than 150,00 deaths. People will be killing each other to feed their families. The government doesn’t even acknowledge that eating right, getting outside, not smoking, and exercise are probably your best protections against this, not a thin piece of fabric on my face.

                      How many people die a year from ciggies, Pepsi, and McDonalds? We don’t do anything about that, except make them print little warnings on stuff.

                      The reality is the only thing we all have in common, is that we are all going to die. There is no preventing that. It sucks, and I feel for anyone that has lost someone to this, I really do. If you work in a hospital, thank you! We would be far worse without people that are willing to help others.

                      Sorry if my thoughts are a little scattered, I know I’m kinda all over the place, and a boat forum probably isn’t even the place for this discussion. Bottom line, for me personally, is I strongly believe in personal freedom and accountability. If I go out, catch Covid, and die, that’s on me. If I spread it to my parents and they die, I have to live with it. I also know that if I stay home, on lockdown forever, I won’t die from anything, but I’m also not willing to live that way. I ride a Harley, almost get hit by jet skis and people pulling tubes a few times a year, and spend a bunch of time in the mountains. I’m gonna guess that Covid isn’t going to be the thing that gets me. I don’t trust a bunch of bureaucrats to make my decisions, especially when their plan changes almost daily. It’s pretty evident to me that they have no clue what to do, which maybe isn’t their fault, because maybe there’s nothing that can be done, and nobody wants to admit that. I can tell you that a government that isn’t willing to stop protesters that for some reason aren’t required to wear masks, doesn’t get to tell me that I have to wear one.

                      I really do value your opinion, and obviously your experience is completely different than mine, which is probably why our views are drastically different. I’m not saying I’m right, but this is how I feel.

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                        Zak, Rob,

                        I just wanted to say that this is far and away the most civil and respectable conversation about this I’ve seen on the internet. Whether I agree with you or don’t, I love how civil you guys are discussing your positions.

                        I just wanted to say thanks. I feel better about the world for some reason... I guess 5 and six figure boats really do bring us together


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                          Way to go freeheel4life. Bringing COVID to the boat forum. J/K. Being in the Seattle area in construction I see and hear lots of different views. We are currently super busy all jobs requiring mask and temp checks social distancing and we have apprentices cleaning break rooms before and after staggered break keeping groups down inside the shacks. Having said that we are electricians and have crews that follow the rules unlike framers and sheet rockers and painters which every jobsite has had one of those test positive. I have noticed that some people that went into lock down are now saying this isn’t the life I want to live so let’s get back to normal. My son’s baseball team has started practices and some tournaments in Washington have been played but there is a rise in cases and we think the tournaments we are booked for are going to get cancelled. In Washington starting tomorrow you are going to get turned away at any business if not wearing a mask. Don’t know how I feel about this the forcing but if the workers at the stores and restaurants are required I feel I can wear one for them also.

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                            Lol outkastmunkey Guess I should have put it in the off topic discussion....but that never gets much traffic. I as well am not stoked about wearing mandatory masks. Its more the threat of enforcement that bothers me.

                            We are certainly seeing cases go up quickly since restrictions have been lifted. Just trying to keep our customers healthy and give them options like pay over the phone so they don't have to come into the office and risk interaction. Or at the VERY LEAST gove customers options and let them make their own informed risk. Was curious what others have seen as its handled different state to state and even city to city within states.

                            Crazy times.


                              Originally posted by BrentP View Post
                              Zak, Rob,

                              I just wanted to say that this is far and away the most civil and respectable conversation about this I’ve seen on the internet. Whether I agree with you or don’t, I love how civil you guys are discussing your positions.

                              I just wanted to say thanks. I feel better about the world for some reason... I guess 5 and six figure boats really do bring us together


                              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                              A lot more could be figured out if people didn’t have the keyboard warrior mentality. I have some pretty strong opinions about what this is doing to my life, and my state. If it were being done by a Nevada guy, that I thought had our state’s best interest in mind, I would probably believe more of what he says. Him being an outsider that just wants a political job, not having any of Nevada’s best interest in his policy, and blindly following California, isn’t what’s best for us. Then he has the audacity to talk to our state like he’s our father, and we’re a bunch of kids makes me ill.

                              I know we are all seeing this thing from different angles, and I’ve been wrong as many times as I’ve been right in life. Anyone who’s honest is batting somewhere around the same. If you’re incapable of learning from other’s experience, you aren’t much of a value to anyone, because none of us have all the answers. I’d bet my last dollar if we had a group of solid guys and a few pitchers of beer, we could probably do a hell of a lot better job figuring this thing out, than a bunch of politicians that are bought and paid for by lobbyists.

                              Ps, you couldn’t pay me to watch Fox News or CNN, just for the record.

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