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Trailer Problems!!!

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    Trailer Problems!!!

    I have the Extreme Tandem trailer for my Tige and I am having problems with the trailer brakes releasing.
    I posted this on and got some good responses, but I thought I would post it here and see what you guys think.

    In order to back up my trailer, I have to flip the 5 way plug that goes to the trailer, and only plug in 4 of the 5 prongs to the trailer. Then, I have to turn on my lights in order for the brakes to release. What do you think? Is there a short in the wiring harness between the truck and trailer? Could there be a short somewhere else?

    any thoughts would be appreciated.

    so, just to be clear...

    you have a 5 plug harness on your tow vehicle, and the matching 5 plug on the trailer?

    Sounds like your reverse light wire (which is the break release for the trailer) is not getting any juice. One thing you can do is get a test light from auto zone or some place similar, have someone put the vehicle in reverse (with the breaks on or parking break on!!) while you test the 5th wire with the test light (or volt meter). If it works, then maybe there is a break in the wire on the trailers end.... as in, the break release wire may be cut or shorted out on something not allowing the release to work.



      My harness that connects truck and trailer is a Round 7 for the truck and a 5 flat for the trailer....


        i assume you have adapter that converts the 7 to 5?

        i think your best bet would be to do the test light (or voltmeter) thing to make sure the truck harness is wired correctly. Once you have established what works and/or doesn't work on the trucks end, you can test the trailer.

