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distance taps bar supposed to move in full downward position

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    distance taps bar supposed to move in full downward position

    2000 21v. cylinder is full. when move taps bar to full down position, doesnt appear to have moved much; pistons extended maybe an inch. how far is it supposed to move when in full downward position? ex., should it be parallel with stern. thanks.

    The Bennets dont extend down that far. Not sure on length but 1" - 1 1-4" seems about right. Hopefully someone with a working similar year and model can measure theres and confirm. You dont want it too far down or it can literally start to push the bow to far down into the water.


      You TAPS sounds to be working correctly. I believe my 1999 21v has about 1 or 1.25" of stroke. It doesn't seem like much, but when underway on plane you will really notice a difference.

