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Bogging down at speed - 2019 R21 w/ 360

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    Bogging down at speed - 2019 R21 w/ 360

    Hey everyone,
    A couple of times yesterday while I was running at a constant speed, once cruising and another time surfing, my R21 seemed to lose partial power and bog down a bit. As soon as I pulled the throttle back to neutral and reaccelerate it was fine again. The first time it almost felt like I got a stick or something stuck on the prop but after it happened twice I realized that probably wasn’t the case. I’m assuming it’s some type of fuel delivery issue but not really sure where to start.

    Any thoughts? Thanks!

    I had a similar problem last year. Same Model/Engine, but 2017. I added some injector cleaner on the next fill up, went to the lake. Seemed to run OK (not Great) throughout the day. At the end of the day on the way in (maybe 4-6 hours of runtime) threw an O2 Sensor code. Replaced the O2 Sensor, ran great. Put about 10 more hours on, threw a code for the opposite O2 Sensor. I smoked 5 or so sensors throughout the summer. Been good so far this year. The Question that i will never know the answer to is: Were the injectors dirty and fixed with the cleaner, and the cleaner foul the sensors? Were the sensors on their way out already (But why did I keep fouling them)? Anyway I have 2 spares and a O2 Sensor wrench in the boat tool box now. We'll see how it goes this year. As a precaution, I did drain the gas out and put fresh in at the start of this season.


      Ok, I’ll throw some cleaner in and see what happens. I’ll let you know if I have the same sensor issue. Thanks.


        Same issue last summer but it turned out I had the TAPS system on and set to 11mph so it would not go faster than that. Scared the heck out of me but it was fine once I turned TAPS off. good luck

