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Chromax logos

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    Chromax logos

    Hey everybody! I scored a set of the black/grey chromax Tige' logos for my boat and while I'm sure it's not terribly difficult I'd like to gather some feedback from people that have applied them (and had them stay on ) As far as technique measuring, applying, cleaning of the areas beforehand, etc... was just planning on stripping all the wax, cleaning with rubbing alcohol or sumum, and slapping em' on the spot I measure out.

    Looking forward to the responses as I want a set for my old bird as well... May I ask where you found them and how much?


      I scored these from a friend. He never put them on his boat. They'll run ya around $250 a set I'm told but he owed me so I got the bro deal.
      The only way to get them (that I know of) is to order through a Tige' dealer or go to Tige' directly. I'm betting the dealer could get a better deal but I'm not sure of that. Sorry I can't be more help there.


        Originally posted by Jetdriver View Post
        I scored these from a friend. He never put them on his boat. They'll run ya around $250 a set I'm told but he owed me so I got the bro deal.
        The only way to get them (that I know of) is to order through a Tige' dealer or go to Tige' directly. I'm betting the dealer could get a better deal but I'm not sure of that. Sorry I can't be more help there.
        The bro deals are the best kind. I'm going tagless on my ride for now. Kinda like the blank look but the chromax are def on my radar. Thanks for the reply!

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          So I have done probably 5 or 6 sets total. I use 3m adhesive remover. Can get it at any auto paint shop. To get old ones off a little heat usually gets them to peel right off. If not spray some adhesive remover and let it soak (stuff takes a bit to start to dissolve the glues) then they usually peel right off. Company that makes the logos sent out a bulletin and they actually recommended gasoline as the solvent.
          Once you get them off there is always residue left. Before I got to town removing I take 2 long strings and tape them on the top and bottom of where old logo sat. That way you can mark where old ones were and also clean leftover residue while keeping marks. You could probably use blue painters tape or anything besides a sharpie or pen. Once everything is clean is pretty basic stuff. Just makes sure everything is warm. Same memo from manufacturer of logo said cold temps affect bonding.
          Also, depending on your gel color, you may be able to see outlines of old logo perfectly when you get it off. If this is the case I usually don't mark it with string as you have perfect outline where gel has been slightly discolored already.
          A bunch of the ones I put on we found out later were out of the "defective " batch of logos and they are hanging on just fine. I'm wondering if good surface prep at factory isn't the problem as I just had a boat in yesterday where logos at tower base are coming off
          Last edited by freeheel4life; 09-07-2017, 03:02 PM.


            Thanks Freeheel! I've got an 07 22VE so it never had any on it. Ill follow your advice for surface prep and make sure I apply them while warm.


              LOL, didn't notice in your tag. Good luck, post some pics of where you decided to put em



                I put the chrome logos on mine this last spring. I love it. Personally think the clean look is better.

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