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Sun fading board.

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    Sun fading board.

    Hi guys!
    I decide to give my board to my little brother for his birthday.
    It's a white Ronix one. I clean it normally and wax it every off season. I never realize my board turned yellow that much cause of the 5years sun exposure until I move my bindings.
    Anyone had that kind of problem or know a product I can use to restore my white board without removing the clear (anything not too strong that can scrap my board)
    Thanks a lot !
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    I have wondered this too. I've got an old white hyperlite parks in my collection, and it's seen it's share of sun. What used to be a brilliant white board is now dingy and dirty and a bit yellow... I've tried a marine oxidation remover wax, but it didn't do anything... anybody else wth a better product?


      The yellowing is caused by the Resin breaking down in the sun. You cannot take this off without removing all the decayed material. Most of that material is below the clear coat..Not worth it...


        Ahh yes I understand.. thanks Greeko.

        I will try to polish it with my cars tool and put a brand new sealant maybe it will help a little bit


          Its yellowing because of the limitations of the UV stabilization in the clear coat. Exact same thing happens with your head lights. Its on the top surface of the board. The pigmented gel coat (the white) will fade and discolor but nowhere near as fast as the clear.
          Oh Yeah!


            Putting any and all boards away immediately or in a bag slows the process down dramatically.
            Germaine Marine
            "A proud dealer of Tige, Supra, Moomba and ATX performance boats"

