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2018 RZX3 Purchase?

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    2018 RZX3 Purchase?

    Hello, I am new to the forum. I currently have a 2016 Supreme S238. I love my boat but I have always been really impressed with the Tige interior. I am looking at a 2018 RZX3. I was curious what differences there are between a 2018 and a 2020 RZX3? I have been reading that in 2020 Tige switched to the GSA plates? Are those just the Go Surf Assist aftermarket plates that have been around for awhile? I saw that some people with a Tige built before 2020 have switched the plates. Is it as simple as just ordering and bolting on new plates or do the actuators and everything have to be changed?

    Any input would be appreciated.

    Thank you in advance,

    I don't believe there are any major differences between the 2018 and 2020 boats other than the surf system. So swapping the surf tabs to the GSA style will get you the same effect as having a 2020 boat. Now the 2020 uses different actuators that are said to be better and last longer. Also a different computer program to make wave set up a bit easier. But in the end, it's the same hull, same weight, same tab, same wave.
    The conversion is fairly simple. Build/buy GSA surf tabs and mount them according to their recommendations. Your stock actuators will work just fine. The transom mounted end will need to be moved down, closer to the hinge so you will have to run the actuator cable through a new hole, as well as drill new holes for the mount. You will then need to cover up the original mounting holes somehow. I just built a little plate that covered them up so that I could revert back to stock if I ever wanted to.


      Thank you for replying.

      Did you get your plates through a dealer or the GSA company? Does the different plate style really make that much difference?

      If you have time, would it be possible to see a photo of your new setup?

      Thank you for your help,


        I built my own. Check out this thread for ideas.


          I have yet to talk to a single person that didn’t think GSAs made a big difference in their wave, especially regular side, which mine produces a far worse regular wave than goofy.

          I had planned on going to GSAs this winter, but my dealer decided he needed to keep my boat for 7 months, just to mess it all up, so I’m stuck with TAPS for another summer. Luckily I ride goofy, unlike most of the suckers riding my crappy regular wave!!

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            The goofy side is better? That’s odd. Does the prop spin the opposite direction like a nautique or something?


              Originally posted by Brandon161 View Post
              The goofy side is better? That’s odd. Does the prop spin the opposite direction like a nautique or something?
              I have no clue, as far as all Tige or Nautique, but the G23s and RZXs are both left spin props. I have a far easier time getting my lean to the correct angles on the right side. Probably some combo of prop spin, and my 250# in the driver seat. Right side I can fill everything, and use lead to get some extra weight. Left side, I have to dump some off-side ballast to get enough lean. With the exception of days when we have huge crew, and can stack the big boys on the left side.

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                I ride regular and everyone else rides goofy. Figures. Lol


                  Originally posted by Brandon161 View Post
                  I ride regular and everyone else rides goofy. Figures. Lol
                  You should ride goofy sometimes too...I find doing so is like starting all over as a beginner, but you’ll quickly advance and even can make you a better rider on your natural side.....

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                    Originally posted by Bamer View Post

                    You should ride goofy sometimes too...I find doing so is like starting all over as a beginner, but you’ll quickly advance and even can make you a better rider on your natural side.....

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                    You’re saying ride switch on your opposite side, or ride heel side to the wave?

                    I started out riding heel side, I guess just because heel is so much more comfortable on a wakeboard, and that was my mindset, way back when. I’ll get up switch on a wakeboard, but haven’t messed with it much on my surfboard, probably because the regular wave is lesser on our boat.

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                      Interesting that your goofy side is better. I have to really work my goofy side to get a great wave. Pretty easy to get a good wave. The regular side is far better than amazing all the time. I have ridden it, but man, I wish it was my normal side.


                        Originally posted by Zackdogg View Post

                        You’re saying ride switch on your opposite side, or ride heel side to the wave?

                        I started out riding heel side, I guess just because heel is so much more comfortable on a wakeboard, and that was my mindset, way back when. I’ll get up switch on a wakeboard, but haven’t messed with it much on my surfboard, probably because the regular wave is lesser on our boat.

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                        Heel side is harder on a surf board because you can’t see the wave very well. I try all 4 combos, heel/toe regular and heel/toe goofy. Start with toe side both regular and goofy because you can see the wave. I consider this another trick progression.

                        I’m a avid baseball player, well softball these I batted right handed all my life and one day at age 34 or so I decided to try left handed in the batter cage. I found that I had to focus so much more on my mechanics to actually hit the ball. After some practicing I found that I can hit left handed pretty well, but I have to focus a when I flip back to right hand, I actually hit the ball with more consistency because I realize how much I should focus on my mechanics I try to do the same with surfing too...I also ride a wakeboard both ways with a slight favor to regular.

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                          I actually do ride both sides. I ride regular. Heel side in the goofy side of the wave. And I do ride goofy sometimes to mix it up. But my dominant side is regular. So I obviously want the wave to be best on that side.

