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Canyon Lake TX

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    Canyon Lake TX

    Just got to Canyon Lake TX- does anyone have a suggestion where to surf on the lake? I will be putting in at boat ramp number 2 if that helps.

    Nope sorry, but it’s on my list of lakes to visit!!!post some pics please.

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      The service manager at our shop grew up there. Will hit him up for info tomorrow.


        Boat ramp 2 is the best designed ramp on the lake, though it is not that deep of a ramp. While I have no experience with surfing, where I have seen plenty of people surf is from the spillway to boat ramp 1. The water there is very deep and the geography helps dampen the wakes over time. Also there is what our family calls ski cove, it is past Canyon Marina on the right. This area is much shallower 15-30ft, but is mostly protected and big enough you can make large circles. The last place is on the west side of Cranes Mill Park where the river dumps into the lake. This area is much narrower with old trees on the west shore.

        If you are hungry there is a restaurant (the only one on the water) at the Canyon Marina that I have heard is pretty decent.

